Batchprocessing and PlanningProblemSet


when I am doing the “batch_processing.ipynb” I found that there are some scenarios, for which solutions are found within the 120s timeout. But the printed result is

Solution for planning problems with ID={} is not provide for scenario {}

and the comment tells me that it is because

whether all planning problems are solved”.

Could anyone please tell me what this means?

And I read the Tutorial for Commonroad-io again and found the following:
“A PlanningProblemSet contains one PlanningProblem for every ego vehicle in the Scenario, consisting of an initial position and a GoalRegion that has to be reached.”

So do we have more than one ego vehicles in some scenarios and for each ego vehicle we have one PlanningProblem to solve? Before I thought that there is only one vehicle and only one problem to solve in one scenario but it can’t explain why the “Process p to find the solution” is not “is_alive” after 120s timeout, but we still don’t have a solution.

And it would be perfect if someone could explain to me that what means "“IF planning_problem_id not in solution_trajectories.keys()”, which is also in the “batch_processing.ipynb”. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!!


Hi Zifan,

  1. There is a recent update of the batch processing script in which the processing logic was improved. Please try typing git pull command in the commonroad search folder, or simply download the latest virtual machine image.

  2. Yes, CommonRoad does support scenarios with multiple planning problems, however, that is not considered in this exercise.

  3. The code checks whether all planning problems are solved, if not, it will output which ones weren’t solved. In previous version of batch processing, if the planner returned false before timeout, it would output a solving time (which was not accurate) & a message saying that a planning problem was not solved.

Hi edmond.irani,

thanks a lot for the reply!

But I just downloaded the latest version of virtual machine image tonight but the code of batch processing was still the old version. And I tried the git pull command in the folder “commonroad search”, but an error occured. Could you please check the virtual machine image again?

Many thanks again!


Hi Zifan,

You were right, sorry I forgot to upload the latest version of VM. You should be able to download it (dated 27.11) now.