An error when I run the “Tutorial1:Reachable Set Computation (Graph-based Propagation)”

In the “Online Stage”,I run the cell as follows,but it didn’t work and warned me the information “AttributeError: ‘ReachPolygon’ object has no attribute ‘has_z’”

According to my understanding, this is not a problem, but why is an error reported? I sincerely and humbly ask everyone about this question

Hi Sherlock,

we recently updated to a new shapely version and apparently missed to change the translate method of ReachPolygon accordingly. We will release a fixed version of the package soon.

If you want to fix it for yourself, go to commonroad_reach/data_structure/reach/ and replace lines 219 to 222 with

return ReachNode(
                affinity.translate(self.polygon_lon.shapely_object, xoff=p_lon_off, yoff=v_lon_off)),
                affinity.translate(self.polygon_lat.shapely_object, xoff=p_lat_off, yoff=v_lat_off)),

All the best,