Activate Account Mail not received -> Password reset does not work

Hi, I got an issue

Issue Description:

  1. I tried to sign up to

  2. After the registration, I never received the activation email at my firstname_.lastname_ email.

  3. Login with registration credentials did not work(“No Active Account found with the given credentials”), so I tried to reset my passwort. (“Forgot Password?”)

  4. I do receive Passwort Reset Mails at my firstname_.lastname_ email.

  5. I reset my passwort using the link in the mail. the new passwort does not work for login (“No Active Account found with the given credentials”)

  6. I did 3.-6. a couple of times, waited up to 24hours before trying it again.

  7. I tried to Sign Up again “A user with this email already exists”.

Permanent Solution:
I assume my account is stuck in a “Activation link not confirmed” status… I think you are missing a Resend Activation Link feature. I can’t find a activation mail in my spam or deleted folder.
Signing up with my aa42bbb address worked perfectly fine.

The account is michael.feil at Maybe you could delete this account, so that I can start submitting. Thanks!


sorry for the inconvenience. I will inform the web team to take a look at your issue. They will most probably answer after the holiday period.

Hi Edmond,

sounds great. I’m just hoping it is resolved before the Pizza Contest ends :slight_smile: Have a good holiday.


Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for the detailed information. We tested the registration today, but we were unable to reproduce this issue.

We have manually activated your account, so you should be able to login now.

If your problem persists, or if you have further questions, please let us know.

If anyone else faces the same issue, please let us know with the details such as when did you register (date and time, approximate) and which mail address you have used. These details would help us as we can isolate and reproduce the issue, so we can fix it and help you.

Note about gmail addresses:
It is required to register with email addresses for the course related tasks/challanges, but in case anyone registers with a account, please note that it might take up to an hour before you receive the activation email due to the issues related to mail service we use.

M. Can

Thank you, that resolved the issue for me.

I’m also having issues with mails. I don’t get emails in the forum when someone replies to me, although that is enabled in the settings and I’m using a mail address.
At the top of the forum-website it says

All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent.

Dear CommonRoad-Team,

I am having the exact same issue. I registered for an account (luca.scheeerer at yesterday at approximately 14:30. I receive “password-reset” emails, but for some reason did not receive the confirmation email.

Is there anything you can do about this problem?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards

Hello Luca,

maybe the tum email server is blocking some activation emails due to the large number of new users recently.
I activated your account manually, so you should be able to login or reset your password.


Thank you very much!
Kind regards

I am experiencing the same issue right now.
After creating an account on Friday between 17:00 - 19:00 CET using my mail address (lukas.beutler), I did not receive an activation mail. It’d be great if the CommonRoad Team could activate my account manually as well.

Thank you very much!

@mklischat please have a look at this

Hi,I have also met the same problem. My email address on Moodle is, but with this email account I could not sign in. So could you please activate my account manually too? Thank you very much!


Your account has been activated.

Your account has been activated as well.

Thanks for the fast response!
Unfortunately I still am unable to log in using lukas.beutler at Just to be sure, I’ve tried another password reset, which works fine, but afterwards I’m still getting “No active account found with the given credentials”. Do you have any Idea what might be happening?

Please try again, I might have activated another account of yours. The problem is probably with Tum’s email spam filter. Btw. you don’t forward your tum emails to your gmail account by any chance?

Great, that worked, thank you very much!

I do forward my tum mails, but not to a gmail account but to one without any spam filters of its own.
If the problem is in fact the spam filter, I’d still recommend adding a “Resend Activation” feature, if the required effort is reasonable.

Apperently, the problem with the TUM spam filter still exists.
I tried to sign up with and I didn’t get any activation mail (password reset mails got through).
With my private Email it worked fine.