A bug in orientation check of Goal Region

Dear CommonRoad Team,

In ZAM-Ramp-1_1-T-1, goal orientation is defined between -0.1 to 0.1.

in uiil.py, class AngleInterval

    def contains(self, other: Union[float, 'Interval']) -> bool:
        if type(other) is Interval:
            return self.start % TWO_PI <= other.start % TWO_PI and other.end % TWO_PI <= self.end % TWO_PI
            return self.start % TWO_PI <= other % TWO_PI <= self.end % TWO_PI

suppose that the angle to be tested is 0,
-0.01 % TWO_PI <= 0 <= 0.01 % TWO_PI is false, but it should be true.

Hello, this is already fixed in the latest version of commonroad-io.