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CommonRoad is a collection of composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads, which provides researchers with a means of evaluating and comparing their motion planners. A benchmark consists of a scenario with a planning problem, a vehicle dynamics model, vehicle parameters, and a cost function composing a unique ID. Along with the benchmarks, we provide several tools for motion planning. For further information, see our paper or getting started.

Scenarios and Benchmarks

Our scenario database is a continuously growing collection of naturalistic datasets, handcrafted, and automatically generated scenarios provided in our XML format. For visualizations and a filter for selecting scenarios, see here. Submitted solutions to planning problems are ranked in the benchmark leaderboard.



CommonRoad CARLA-Interface 1.0.0 released21.12.2024
We released the CommonRoad CARLA-Interface, our interface for the CARLA driving simulator, which allows users to run CommonRoad-based motion planners in CARLA.
CommonRoad-IO 2024.3 released20.12.2024
CommonRoad-IO version 2024.3 introduces new traffic signs, lanelet type, Python 3.13 compatibility, along with improvements and bug fixes.
CommonRoad Scenario-Designer 0.8.4 released20.12.2024
We released CommonRoad Scenario Designer version 0.8.3, featuring left-hand drive consideration in the OpenDRIVE to CommonRoad conversion, a new repository structure, and our new CommonRoad to OpenDRIVE conversion. Additionally, the release contains several minor improvements and bug-fixes.
OpenSCENARIO converter v0.1.1 released18.12.2024
We released an updated version of the scenario converter from OpenSCENARIO to CommonRoad. We aim to foster the development, testing, and validation of autonomous driving systems by providing an open-source solution for converting scenarios between two widely-used formats.
New Tool for Raceline Planning: CommonRoad Raceline Planner27.11.2024
The CommonRoad Raceline Planner combines several algorithms for raceline global trajectory planning for autonomous racing. Our work is based on code of the Indy Racing Team at TU Munich [1,2], namely the groups from Prof. Betz (AVS) and Prof. Lienkamp (FTM) and the following papers [3-6]. This toolbox is a collaboration between TUM CPS, AVS and FTM. Currently, the toolbox features the following planners: a shortest path planner that plans the shortest path using convex optimization and a curvature planner that plans the path with minimum curvature. pypi package: pip install commonroad-raceline-planner
New Major Release CommonRoad Route Planner05.11.2024
The CommonRoad Route Planner has a new major release. Added features include a convenient fast API to use the core functionality with only one line of code. See: https://cps.pages.gitlab.lrz.de/commonroad-route-planner/fapi_usage/
New Tool for Global Planning: CommonRoad Velocity Planner05.11.2024
CommonRoad now has a new toolbox for generating velocity profiles to guide local motion planners. The toolbox include several algorithms both from the area of convex optimization and classic forward-backward integration. See: https://commonroad-velocity-planner-cps-commonroad-94e36f831ce3972d112f.pages.gitlab.lrz.de/
CommonRoad-Autoware-Interface 0.1.0 released26.06.2024
We released CR2AW, our motion planning interface for Autoware.Universe, which allows users to directly run CommonRoad-based planners within the Autoware stack.
CommonRoad-CriMe 0.4.0 released10.05.2024
We released a new version of the toolbox for criticality measures of autonomous vehicles, and its details are published in IEEE IV2023, see https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10186673.
CommonRoad-Prediction released04.03.2024
We released a new toolbox for computing predictions of traffic participants.
New trajectory planner released04.10.2023
We released the CommonRoad Reactive-Planner, an implementation of a well known sampling-based planning approach in a curvilinear coordinate frame.
Release of the MONA dataset!08.11.2022
We happily announce the release of our new dataset MONA. It provides a large number of trajectories, maps of three difference locations, reference data, and software. All data and software are freely available.
CommonRoad-Reach released23.08.2022
We released a new toolbox for computing reachable sets and extracting driving corridors for automated vehicles.
Workshop on the 2nd CommonRoad Motion Planning Competition02.06.2022
We will hold the workshop at IV'22 (Aachen, Germany) on June 05, Sunday, at 13:00 pm. You are invited to join us virtually via Zoom. Link: https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/4660848351 Passcode: 981029 See you at the workshop!
CommonRoad-Scenario-Designer released23.09.2021
We released a new toolbox for map conversion and scenario creation, visualization, and editing.
Challenge creation open for the public20.09.2021
Every user can now set up motion planning challenges on our website using scenarios from the CommonRoad database. For more details, take a look at the tutorial.
CommonRoad-Reinforcement-Learning released30.07.2021
We released a new framework for solving motion planning problems using reinforcement learning methods.
CommonRoad Drivability Checker version 2021.1 released11.05.2021
We released a new version of the CommonRoad Drivability Checker. Among others, it includes the creation of a curvilinear coordinate system, efficient collision checking for trajectory batches, a new visualization interface and several bug fixes.
CommonRoad Input-Output version 2021.1 released23.04.2021
We updated our Python tool CommonRoad Input-Output. It supports now a new visualization architecture, phantom obstacles, automatic scaling of traffic signs, new obstacle icons, and over 50 new traffic signs.
Competition Announcement05.03.2021
This summer, we will organize a motion-planning competition in which solutions to motion-planning benchmarks are assessed with regards to efficiency, safety, and compliance with traffic rules. Apply for being part of the jury until March 31.
Interactive scenarios released21.12.2020
We released more than 1800 interactive versions of CommonRoad scenarios which can be simulated through our improved SUMO interface. Solutions to these scenarios will be accepted by our benchmark system soon.
Two new vehicle models06.12.2020
We added two new vehicle models: a kinematic single-track model with an on-axle trailer and the single-track drift model that provides more realistic dynamics for highly dynamic maneuvers.
Released Scenario Definition 2020a13.03.2020
We updated our CommonRoad scenario XML specification. It now features intersections and traffic signs, including traffic lights. See the documentation for detailed information.
CommonRoad Input-Output 2018.1 release01.11.2018
Together with CommonRoad Version 2018b, we are releasing our CommonRoad Input-Output Python tools. You can use them to read, write, and visualize CommonRoad scenarios as a framework for motion planning. Furthermore, it can write xml solution files for CommonRoad benchmarks, that can be uploaded and evaluated on our website.


Verification of Collision Avoidance for CommonRoad Traffic Scenarios
This package provides a toolkit for verifying planned trajectories for autonomous vehicles.
Dataset Converterpip install commonroad-dataset-converter
Convert closed source datasets to CommonRoad scenario files.
Search-based motion planner with motion primitives.
Vehicle Models and Cost Functionspip install commonroad-vehicle-models
Python and MATLAB models for vehicle dynamics and definitions for cost functions.
CommonRoad-Apollo Interface
Interface between the Apollo platform and CommonRoad.
CommonRoad-SUMO Interface & Interactive Scenariospip install sumocr
Interface to the traffic simulator SUMO for testing motion-planning algorithms.
CommonRoad Scenario Designerpip install commonroad-scenario-designer
Toolbox for Map Conversion and Scenario Creation for Autonomous Vehicles
CommonRoad Drivability Checkerpip install commonroad-drivability-checker
Collision avoidance, kinematic feasibility, and road-compliance validation toolbox for CommonRoad benchmark suite.
CommonRoad-OpenSCENARIO-Converterpip install commonroad-openscenario-converter
the OpenSCENARIO format to the CommonRoad formatAutomatic Traffic Scenario Conversion between the OpenSCENARIO format and the CommonRoad format
SPOT: Set-Based Prediction of Traffic Participants
Set-Based Prediction of Traffic Participants
CommonRoad-CriMepip install commonroad-crime
A Toolbox for Criticality Measures of Autonomous Vehicles
CommonRoad Predictionpip install commonroad-prediction
CommonRoad Prediction
CommonRoad-Reachpip install commonroad-reach
A Toolbox for Reachability Analysis of Automated Vehicles
CommonRoad Input-Outputpip install commonroad-io
Provides methods to read, write, and visualize scenarios and useful methods for motion planning
A CommonRoad motion planning interface for Autoware
CommonRoad-OpenTrafficSim InterfaceFor installation instructions, see README of the repository.
Interface to microscopic traffic simulator OpenTrafficSim to generate new traffic scenarios using existing ones as blueprints.
Training and evaluation environment for reinforcement-learning-based motion planners using CommonRoad tools
CommonRoad Route Plannerpip install commonroad-route-planner
Plans a route and a reference path from the initial state to the goal lanelet for a given CommonRoad scenario
CommonRoad Reactive-Plannerpip install commonroad-reactive-planner
Sampling-based trajectory planner in a curvilinear coordinate frame
CommonRoad Velocity Plannerpip install commonroad-velocity-planner
Motion planning tool for generating velocity profiles. Comfort and fast-driving are supported
CommonRoad Scenario Factory
Scenario-based testing of Automated Vehicles with CommonRoad.
CommonRoad-Geometricpip install git+https://github.com/CommonRoad/crgeo.git
Graph neural networks for autonomous driving
CommonRoad-CARLA Interfacepip install commonroad-carla-interface
CommonRoad-CARLA Interface
CommonRoad Raceline Plannerpip install commonroad-raceline-planner
Plans raceline trajectories on closed-loop tracks


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