This project offers a software package to solve motion planning problems on CommonRoad using reinforcement learning methods, currently based on Stable Baselines.

A minimal example for using the package:
import gym
import commonroad_rl.gym_commonroad
# kwargs overwrites configs defined in commonroad_rl/gym_commonroad/configs.yaml
env = gym.make("commonroad-v1",
# if installed via pip add the paths to the data folders and uncomment the following two lines
# meta_scenario_path=meta_scenario_path, #path to meta scenario specification
# train_reset_config_path= training_data_path, #path to training pickels
action_configs={"action_type": "continuous"},
goal_configs={"observe_distance_goal_long": True, "observe_distance_goal_lat": True},
surrounding_configs={"observe_lane_circ_surrounding": False,
"fast_distance_calculation": False,
"observe_lidar_circle_surrounding": True,
"lidar_circle_num_beams": 20},
reward_configs={"sparse_reward":{"reward_goal_reached": 50.,
"reward_collision": -100.,
"reward_off_road": -50.,
"reward_time_out": -10.,
"reward_friction_violation": 0.}})
observation = env.reset()
for _ in range(500):
# env.render() # rendered images with be saved under ./img
action = env.action_space.sample() # your agent here (this takes random actions)
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:
observation = env.reset()