Python files / Pycharm in VM


I’m using the Virtual Machine on Windows and I’m wondering how we should open and edit .py files. Since I didn’t find any program I wanted to install Pycharm (which I usually use on Windows) in the vm but I wasn’t able to because of “No space left on device”. Does this error message refer to the vm (what can I do about it?) or my laptop (but there should be enough space left…)?

Thanks for your help.

While you are waiting for an answer or a solution, you could try increasing the disk size yourself.

The command df in ubuntu terminal can help understand whether it’s the real or physical disk that is not large enough. In addition, you could check disk space usage in windows explorer and see if there is a hard drive partition with less than 1 megabyte of free space. If it were the real disk, it would be sufficient to just remove some unnecessary files.

Hi Valentina,

We have enlarged the disk size for the VM as compared to previous years, I just had a look at the disk size and for some reasons it turned out there is roughly 1.6GB left on the disk. I will try to come up with a larger VM and update the download link this week.
Screenshot from 2021-11-29 22-58-32

Sublime Text is installed on the VM, if you need something better than that, you could probably try out VS Code. I wouldn’t recommend using PyCharm in the VM since we had some performance issue as reported by previous students.

We also had students who could run the exercise using Docker in Windows while using PyCharm: see here

Thanks for your answers, I’ll look into using Docker as well.

I recommend using Docker with WSL2 (there is a detailed manual on Microsoft website about installing WSL2). WSL2 might require installing Microsoft updates for Windows 10 unless you have a rather recent Windows 10 version already. WSL2 reportedly has a considerably better performance than WSL1, according to Docker developers.

I just updated the VM link, the new VM image should give you 5GB spare space.

Hey, I am using the docker version of commonroad and I am wondering if I can connect vscode to the localhost, where the container is running. It would be nice to debug the code in vsc instead of the browser, does anyone know how this works?

Hi ge26xad,

I could debug the code in PyCharm.
This is the new manual.

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