Does anyone meet such error when installing commonroad-collision-checker?

Thanks for the help! But it seems that nothing has been updated after I runed the command. I guess the problem is in the version of my Python Interpreter and library:


– Found PythonInterp: ~/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37/bin/python3.7m (found version “1.4”)
CMake Error at third_party/pybind11/tools/FindPythonLibsNew.cmake:95 (message):
Python config failure:

Call Stack (most recent call first):
third_party/pybind11/tools/pybind11Tools.cmake:16 (find_package)
third_party/pybind11/CMakeLists.txt:33 (include)

– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also “/home/kejia/KI/CommonRoad/commonroad-search/GSMP/tools/commonroad-collision-checker/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log”.

It works after I changed the path from “~/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37” to “/home/kejia/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37”. Now this commond is done without any error.

As mentioned in the README of collision checker, you should use the absolute path when installing it. I am glad that your problem is solved.

Which OS are you using?

Hi, i get an alike error as above when calling cmake -DADD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=TRUE -DPATH_TO_PYTHON_ENVIRONMENT="/Users/iuliiaskobleva/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37" -DPYTHON_VERSION="3.7" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. namely:

Could NOT find required library libfcl

even though I did install FCL as in

Before that, I used the docker file but got errors so I git cloned the common-road-collision and proceeded with the installations.

All of the steps, I have performed in the ‘commonroad-py37’ environment (like ```
sudo docker run -it -p 9000:8888 --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/commonroad-search,type=bind tomdoerr/commonroad-search

I have cloned the libccd and fcl repositories in to *commonroad-collision-checker*-folder and installed everything there.

What I am doing wrong? Why do I get this error?

Hi, you don’t need to put the libccd and fcl libraris under collision checker. Have you ‘sudo make install’ after compiling these libraries? It seems that the libraries are not added to your environment.

Still not working for me

Hi, you may try doing it via virtual machine or docker image.

So, when I unzipped the file i got:

unzip /Users/iuliiaskobleva/Desktop/LUbuntu\ Virtual\ Machine\
Archive: /Users/iuliiaskobleva/Desktop/LUbuntu Virtual Machine
creating: Archive/
inflating: Archive/CommonRoadVM.vdi

inflating: Archive/CommonRoadVM.vbox
inflating: Archive/CommonRoadVM.vbox-prev
creating: Archive/Logs/
inflating: Archive/Logs/VBox.log
(base) r082163:~ iuliiaskobleva$
(base) r082163:~ iuliiaskobleva$ cd commonroad
-bash: cd: commonroad: No such file or directory
(base) r082163:~ iuliiaskobleva$ cd home
-bash: cd: home: No such file or directory
(base) r082163:~ iuliiaskobleva$ cd CommonRoadVM
-bash: cd: CommonRoadVM: No such file or directory
(base) r082163:~ iuliiaskobleva$ cd archive
(base) r082163:archive iuliiaskobleva$ ls
CommonRoadVM.vbox CommonRoadVM.vdi
CommonRoadVM.vbox-prev Logs

And I cannot go to home/commonroad/repos/commonroad-search.

Hi, as mentioned in the guide, you will need to install Virtual Box to read the provided virtual machine image : )

yup, that makes sense:)) but can you tell what do I do next? Do I import the CommonRoadVM.vbox into the Oracle VM? what do I do with the other 3 files? Does it matter what folder they are in?

I know these are really really dumb questions, I’m sorry :neutral_face:

After installing Virtual Box, you can simply double click on CommonRoadVM.vbox. Depending on your OS and settings, you might face some error message which requires you to change some settings in your system. That part should be easily manageable by googling the error message. After that, you can open a terminal by command ctrl + alt + t and type in “jupyter notebook” to start the notebook service. In the prompt up page, you should then navigate to the tutorial notebooks and run those codes.

ok, it works now! thank you so so much :kissing_heart:
the only thing is is that it is quite slow (not just the codes, but even scrolling in the notebooks).
Is it supposed to be like that? Is there a way to make it work faster?

Hi iuliaa, please check out this slide to see if your system can run Docker, typically it is faster than the virtual machine.
If not, you can try increasing the number of CPU cores, ram and video ram of the virtual machine image in the setting panel within Virtual Box.

On my system, I set 2 CPU cores, 2 GB of ram and 128 MB of video memory, and it runs smoothly.

It is possible to run virtual box faster if you enable disk caching in the settings.
Regarding the libfcl error, try running cmake outside of anaconda

cmake -DADD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=TRUE -DPATH_TO_PYTHON_ENVIRONMENT="/path/to/your/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37" -DPYTHON_VERSION=“3.7” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release … (two dots)

This is another possible solution

In the README of collision checker this is instructed: “Open your console in the root folder of the CommonRoad-Collision-Checker.” But I can’t open CommonRoad-Collision-Checker in my console because I don’t have the Repository GSMP. I cloned the commonroad-search repository, so it should be on my machine too. Can you please tell me how to navigate into this repository?

The collision checker package is deprecated and replaced with the drivability checker.

I installed drivability checker and followed the required steps.
but I still get this warning:

/home/commonroad/commonroad-search/tutorials/2_commonroad_search/…/…/SMP/route_planner/route_planner/ UserWarning: You won’t be able to use the Curvilinear Coordinate System for the Navigator,
the calculations won’t be precise. No module named ‘pycrccosy’
the calculations won’t be precise. {exp}""")

Sorry for the trouble. You can quickly go to the indicated file and comment out the lines 14 - 18. The curvilinear coordinate system is not essential for this exercise.

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