The following code examples are available as Jupyter Notebooks in tutorials/. To execute the tutorials, run following commands in your terminal:
Open your console in the root folder of the CommonRoad Drivability Checker.
Activate your environment with
$ conda activate commonroad-py36 $ cd tutorials/ $ jupyter notebook name_of_notebook
- Note that you have to replace
commonroad-py36 with the name of your Anaconda environment.
name_of_notebook, e.g., with 01_python_wrapper.ipynb.
The basic tutorial (Tutorial 00: Drivability Checker - Getting Started) contains the most important information to get started with our tool. For a more in-depth demonstration of the different features, see our advanced tutorials (Tutorial 01 - 07).
- Tutorial 00: Drivability Checker - Getting Started
- Tutorial 01: Python Wrapper
- Tutorial 02: commonroad-io Interface
- Tutorial 03: road compliance checking
- 1. Load the scenario
- 2. Build the road boundary
- 2.2. Occupancy Inclusion
- 3. Usage Example: Check if the trajectory is within the road
- 4. Usage Example: Minkowski sum for road boundaries
- Tutorial 04: Feasibility Checking Using CommonRoad Vehicle Models
- Tutorial 05: Collision Checks With Dynamic Obstacles
- Tutorial 06: CommonRoad Curvilinear Coordinatesystem
- Tutorial 07: Evaluate solution using cost functions