########################################################################### CommonRoad-Reach: A Toolbox for Reachability Analysis of Automated Vehicles ########################################################################### Reachability analysis has gained considerable popularity in motion planning and safeguarding of automated vehicles (AVs). While existing tools for reachability analysis mainly focus on general-purpose algorithms for formal verification of dynamical systems, a toolbox tailored to AV-specific applications is not yet available. The CommonRoad-Reach toolbox - integrates two methods for computing reachable sets, i.e., using polytopic set propagation and graph-based propagation; - extracts driving corridors which can be used as planning constraints for motion planners; and - provides Python and C++ implementations of the algorithms, offering convenient prototyping and real-time computation to the users. .. seealso:: * `CommonRoad Input-Output `_ * `CommonRoad Drivability Checker `_ * `CommonRoad Route Planner `_ * `Vehicle Models `_ ******** Overview ******** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Getting Started API Documentation .. Add changelog .. mdinclude:: ../../../CHANGELOG.md ******** Citation ******** .. code-block:: text @InProceedings{iraniliu2022commonroad, author = {Irani Liu, Edmond and W\"ursching, Gerald and Klischat, Moritz and Althoff, Matthias}, booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. Intell. Transp. Syst.}, title = {{CommonRoad-Reach}: {A} toolbox for reachability analysis of automated vehicles}, year = {2022}, pages = {1--8} } ******************* Contact Information ******************* :Website: `http://commonroad.in.tum.de `_ :Forum: `https://commonroad.in.tum.de/forum/c/comonroad-reach/19 `_ :Email: `commonroad@lists.lrz.de `_ ****************** Indices and Tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`